Not the best of weeks so far.
My wife is gone this week and I went off the very deep end on Monday. Dinner at my favorite Mexican restaurant, didn't limit chips/salsa and had a whole carne asada (ate the whole thing) including beans and rice. Post-prandial blood sugar 186.
Later that night got the munchies and had what was left of a bag of fritos and then a late night bowl of grapenuts. Next morning fasting glucose was 181!! (which tells me that my reaction to too much carb/sugar is still abnormal/diabetic.
Tues. AM, after a walk and breakfast (back to the protein shake) it was 130, still too high.
One hour post-prandial it was 112, much better.
After another larger meal later that night, 152, too high.
Had a slice of pizza before choir rehearsal and a chicken taco afterward. This morning (Thursday), fasting BG 96, back where it should be.
Clearly, I have to control the amounts of carbs to keep tighter control of BG.
I'm moving out of the strict liquid, VLCal/Carb diet. But need to make sure that I don't go off the deep end any more!
Hopefully, next week will be much closer to "normal!"